Rated Reference Data (ST)
File Type:CSV
File Date:04-Apr-2012
1. The Rated Reference Data (ST) file contains reference data for the following securities:
• Short term CPs and ICPs which have been rated on a local rating scale;
• Short term securities issued by Bank Negara Malaysia;
• Short term Government Debt Securities.
2. First file date starts from 3-May-2010.
3. For other dates, select from the search box above.
1. The Rated Reference Data (ST) file contains reference data for the following securities:
• Short term CPs and ICPs which have been rated on a local rating scale;
• Short term securities issued by Bank Negara Malaysia;
• Short term Government Debt Securities.
2. First file date starts from 3-May-2010.
3. For other dates, select from the search box above.
MYR 700.00